Key Findings
To effectively assess RPA tools and techniques, application leaders responsible for application architecture, development, integration and platforms should do the following:
Strategic Planning Assumptions
By 2022, 80% of RPA-centric automation implementations will derive their value from complementary technologies such as AI/ML, intelligent document processing, process discovery and integrated chatbots to deliver hyperautomation.
By 2023, 50% of new RPA scripts will be dynamically generated via AI-driven development tools.
What You Need to Know
Application leaders should acquire RPA solutions to combine user interface (UI) interactions and APIs that automate processes, and integrate and perform data transcription work between applications.
Gartner has identified the following four common use cases for RPA:
Gartner has identified eight critical capabilities that address these use cases, and scored the vendors on support for them. For each capability, we identified a set of supporting elements of functionality; for each of those, we developed a specific scoring spectrum or method. Although we provide four use cases for consideration, organizations can adjust the capabilities for a custom analysis.
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